Friday, May 9, 2008

Young At Heart

Everything went fine for my parents at my son's school where they attended a forum on grandparents for the Science class. It was like a show-and-tell session with student's grandparents on exhibit. There was some early confusion (as usual) as my parents were waiting for me one street and I was parked on another street, but we eventually met and I got them to the school library on time. The class asked the attending grandparents questions on how they stayed young. My mother said her exercise was going up and down 13 steps several times a day doing laundry. How anyone can have that much laundry is beyond me. They had a good time at the event and I know my son appreciated them coming in. I will definitely write a column on young and old contrasts for my newspaper column soon. I wish I attended the event and took some notes.

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