Thursday, May 29, 2008

Treasures In The Attic

Just some thoughts for a new column. Our senior citizens, or our elderly relatives are the best resource we have to connect to the past. Listen to their stories, better than any reality show on television. A connection to another era. Archaeologists of time, living through the ages and having seen things that some of us luckily never will. Faded as an old photograph, but with more information. The lines in their faces each tell a story, and a good one. Hold onto these links with the past, ever tenuous. I'm going to hold onto my parents tightly for as long as I can. Hugging them tight until I almost crush their brittle bones. They were the portals that brought me into this world, created in their likeness, and filling me with love that I can pour out to my own family.

I always thought it would be the ex-hippies of the sixties that straightened out society as they all approached old age. But now I know that isn't true. And my generation is not aging at all much to the chagrin of the youngsters. My generation, approaching fifty is still rocking and rolling (Prince, Madonna) with no let up in sight

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