The forecast calls for rain all day and yet it's bright and sunny.
Are the weathermen really wrong all the time
Or are they just trying to be funny?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Treasures In The Attic
Just some thoughts for a new column. Our senior citizens, or our elderly relatives are the best resource we have to connect to the past. Listen to their stories, better than any reality show on television. A connection to another era. Archaeologists of time, living through the ages and having seen things that some of us luckily never will. Faded as an old photograph, but with more information. The lines in their faces each tell a story, and a good one. Hold onto these links with the past, ever tenuous. I'm going to hold onto my parents tightly for as long as I can. Hugging them tight until I almost crush their brittle bones. They were the portals that brought me into this world, created in their likeness, and filling me with love that I can pour out to my own family.
I always thought it would be the ex-hippies of the sixties that straightened out society as they all approached old age. But now I know that isn't true. And my generation is not aging at all much to the chagrin of the youngsters. My generation, approaching fifty is still rocking and rolling (Prince, Madonna) with no let up in sight
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Vaster, Vaster
The vast wasteland of TV gets vaster tonight as American Idol is no more. NOw all I have is that wacky lie-detector show that relishes in tearing families apart, for money of course. What is wrong with these people? I'm not really watching it, I'm filling out financial aid forms for my son's college even though we don't qualilfy for any. The school makes every student fill them out just in case. We don't qualify for aid and we can't afford the tuition. So load up on the loans. Buy now pay later (and pay and pay and pay). It's the American Dream (in Bizarro World).
Monday, May 26, 2008
Poor Me
Well, well, well. David Cooks wins American Idol and Mrs. Skippy drops to 23rd place in the pool. Is there no American Justice? Congratulations David Cook. You owe me $250.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Idle Rich
My wife is about to win the American Idol pool thanks to David Cook going home in second place (that is if America picks David Archuleta as their American Idol. How could they not?) You never know how America will vote (even if the whole thing is fixed).
Monday, May 19, 2008
Harbinger of Doom
Why do I always end up going to a funeral every time I dream of my cousin Diane? She is the harbinger of death in my symbolic subconcious. And this time in the dream, she hugged me (bad sign). I hope I am wrong this time but my dreams never lie. You just have to know how to interpret them.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Never Needs Ironing

The movie "Iron Man" had enough hype to get me to go to the movie theater to see it. This film was so good, it has renewed my faith in Hollywood and I want to see a new movie every week. I may be jaded because I am an ex-comic book geek (okay, not so ex) but this film was awesome. Robert Downey Jr. has come made up for all his career mis-steps. And even if he was playing himself, as he has a lot of things in common with Tony Stark, he did a superb job. Bring on the sequel! I may even go see Edward Norton in "The Hulk" now. Too bad "Speed Racer" is getting such bad reviews. Oh well, there's always "Kung-Fu Pandas".
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bowling Banquet
Tonight was my bowling banquet at Prince Pizza on Route 1. The food sucked. The drinks sucked. The entertainment was worth it (two great comedians). No coffee. No dessert. I had a good time.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mid May Already
Mid May already! I am not ready for summer this year. I am a season behind. Just when I think I will never get caught up, another season comes and goes.
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Friday, May 9, 2008
Young At Heart
Everything went fine for my parents at my son's school where they attended a forum on grandparents for the Science class. It was like a show-and-tell session with student's grandparents on exhibit. There was some early confusion (as usual) as my parents were waiting for me one street and I was parked on another street, but we eventually met and I got them to the school library on time. The class asked the attending grandparents questions on how they stayed young. My mother said her exercise was going up and down 13 steps several times a day doing laundry. How anyone can have that much laundry is beyond me. They had a good time at the event and I know my son appreciated them coming in. I will definitely write a column on young and old contrasts for my newspaper column soon. I wish I attended the event and took some notes.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Time Stands Still
My son's science class asked the student's grandparents to come in Friday morning and share their secrets of staying young. My parents who are in their early 80's are happy to attend. When my son had to make name tags for his grand-parents he told the teacher he didn't know his nana's real name. He only knows her as Bunny. I told him that was fine, Nana has been bunny since she was nine years old. I can't wait to see how the day goes for all of them. I hope when I'm in my mid-eighties I'm visiting my grandchildren's school to share my tips on staying young.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Future Shock
My wife just got a Blackberry from her employer. Nothing will ever be the same. The future is now.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Candlepins For Cash
My bowling team is now in second place in the Monday night league. Next Monday is the championship and we might just go all the way! Yeehaw!
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