a new year upon us, I’m adopting Tabula Rasa as my catch-phrase for
2015. Imagine the year stretched out in front of you, a virtual blank
slate for you to shape into anything you want. New beginnings. A
fresh start. Unlimited possibilities. A white canvas, full of
nothing, waiting for me to paint it with colors I choose. The
possibilities are endless.
2014 was a trying time for the entire world. Disease, terrorism,
civil unrest – it was hard to find a glimmer of positivity as the
year wore on. On a personal level, my year was eventful as well. My
roller coaster ride through life continued at break-neck speed. The
high point was my son’s wedding last January; the low point was
biting my fingernails while waiting approval for student loans so my
youngest son could continue his education at Berklee College of
Music. Sandwiched in between were the usual medical dramas and days
full of life’s little surprises that always catch me off guard no
matter how prepared I think I am.
feels different already. I’m approaching the calendar as a year of
opportunity and change. My own personal philosophy is that each one
of us creates our own reality. Make sure you create a reality to your
liking. Combine these thoughts with my “tabula rasa” mentality,
and I am not intimidated by the year to come. I am looking forward to
shaping my life the way I want it to be.
said than done. I’m taking small steps, one day at a time, to make
things happen the way I want them to. There will always be things
beyond my control, but the way a person handles situations that arise
is a true test of inner resolve. We can’t control adversity, but we
can control our reaction to it.
see big changes on the horizon. My son is expecting his first child,
expanding our family tree into the future. I'm happily moving up a
notch to make room for the next generation.
ready to open myself up to the waiting arms of the universe and let
it take me headlong into infinity. And I’m ready to explore each
and every experience my universe has to offer. Bring on the blank
canvas of 2015 and let me paint the best and brightest picture I can
with what I have to work with. Let me mold my experiences to make
things better for everyone I come in contact with. This year, if I’m
the only person I encounter who has a positive attitude, that’s
enough for me.
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