Sunday, July 15, 2007

Away and Back Again

Priscilla and I went away for the weekend to New Hampshire. Joe stayed with Max for us. Since Joe is so trustworthy, we hardly worried at all. We went to see the new Harry Potter which was okay, not as great as the reviews make it out to be, but still very entertaining. We went to a homeowners cocktail party at Waterville Estates. Great hors d'ouevres but a sucky band. All in all it was a very relaxing weekend. Our drive home was topped off by seeing an ice cream truck crashed into the guard rail on Rte. 93 south on our way home. It was on fire. I called 911 to report it. The weekend is over and now we are watching John From Cincinatti on HBO trying to make some sense of it all. Five episodes in and I don't know if I like it or not. I keep coming back to it on Sunday nights, though. It's no Sopranos, but us TV junkies have to take what we can get.